How to set up a high-conversion Facebook retargeting campaign.

How to set up a high-conversion Facebook retargeting campaign.

Are you just wasting your money and time on advertising campaigns, only to get low ROI?

Facebook advertising is changing and one of the most notable changes is to target people who are already engaged with your business with the help of retargeting.

What is Facebook retargeting?

It is the process of finding people who have already visited your website and getting their data to find their Facebook profiles. You can then run your ads campaigns to target those people and convenience them to head back to your site.

facebook remarketing

Does it actually work?

You must be wondering if it really works or not.

But the truth is that it really works:

– Website visitors who are retargeted with display ads are more likely to convert by 70%.
– The click-through rate of a retargeted ad is 10x higher than the CTR of a typical display ad.
– 44% of consumers say that they would buy again from the same company they had personalized experience with.

How to run a retargeting campaign on Facebook

1. Install Facebook pixel on your website

Installing a Facebook pixel is the first thing you have to do. Without it, you won’t be able to track who’s visiting your website, and how they behave, which will make it impossible for you to retarget them.

– Head to your Ads Manager.
– Find “Pixels” by navbar or search bar.
– Press “Add a new Data source”.
– Select “Pixel”.

facebook pixel

Then Facebook will guide you through the process of installing pixels on your website.

Facebook integrates with Google Tag Manager, Segment, Wix, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento.

If you don’t have any commerce site on these, you can still install Facebook pixels on your website, as Facebook provides pixel code for the site. All you need to do is paste the code between tags in your HTML file, this can also be done by a WordPress plugin.

2. Create your custom audience

Facebook pixel creates a list of people who have visited your site. But you’ll have to create a custom audience based on their behavior which you got from Facebook pixels for better retargeting.

custom audience

Head over to Facebook’s Ads Manager and create a custom audience by:

– Signing into Ads Manager.
– Searching for “Audiences” in your search bar.
– Selecting “Create Audience” > “Custom Audience”.

Variety of behavior for which you can create a custom audience –

i) Website Traffic

Target anyone who specifically visited one page on your website for example when someone visited the “products” page but didn’t open the “checkout” page. Then you can retarget that audience.
Website traffic is arguable the most popular audience

ii) Customer file

This is also one of the great options for retargeting people. It is all the data you have already collected from your existing customers – such as their emails, names, addresses, phone number, etc.
All you have to do is upload a CSV file with the data and Facebook will map those details to Facebook profiles in order for you to retarget them.

iii) App Activity

It works just like Facebook pixel but it mainly focuses on the app. you can track information like

– App launches.
– Recent purchases.
– Add to cart.
– Even tracking.

All you have to do is implement Facebook’s special code onto your app and you are good to go. You will be able to target people specifically with this data.

iv) Offline activity

Retarted people who are interacting with your business offline by setting up offline conversations first, with your event details, dates, and customers who attended.

This is the same as customer files, but this requires more manual work. After getting all these offline data, upload it, and create a custom audience and retarget them online.

3. Determine your campaign objective

Your retargeting campaign starts with determining the objective of the campaign. Never skip this step, this is the most important step this is where your retargeting campaign actually begins. Where you have to decide why you wanna run your retargeting campaign.

campaign objective

The 2 most common goals of a Facebook retargeting campaign are –

i) Traffic

You want your audience to head back to your website and remember how cool your site is. This encourages people to visit your store and buy something from you.

ii) Conversions

If you want people to buy something from them, then this goal is perfect. Here the objective is to get customers. You’ll need to set up event tracking within your pixel for this.
Select the goal that you want people to achieve. then name the campaign and hit “continue”.

4. Select your custom audience

Now, you need to select the custom audience that you created earlier. These can be anyone from the people who opened your website or people who opened the app.

target audience

5. Pick your Ad placements

After you have designed and targeted your ad, now you have to decide where you want your ad to be shown. There are several options like short videos, Instagram stories, posts, etc.

ads placement

I would suggest you go with recommended placement, Facebook knows where each type of ad is most likely to give you results from your campaign.

You can also pick ad placements based on specific devices, platforms, and locations. But Facebook knows the best, it’ll give you the best results.

6. Set a daily or lifetime budget

Facebook ads aren’t free. You need to decide on a budget, which can be a daily or a lifetime budget. This isn’t the overall advertising budget, this is the budget that will be allocated for your specific retargeting campaign.

ads budget

You can select from either of those. This setting is under the “Cost Control” field.

The figure varies heavily from business to business. But you can always start from a small amount and then raise the budget as you start making a profit on your retargeting campaigns, you don’t wanna throw all your money at once without knowing if the retargeting campaign works or not.

Retargeting ads can be run on a continuous loop. You’ll have new people abandoning your cart and Facebook pixel picking up their information and retargeting them. You don’t even have to update your custom audience, Pixel does all this for you. That’s the beauty of retargeting ads.

7. Create the visuals for your ad

Here you have to add visuals. This step is exactly the same as creating a great Facebook ad.

ad creative

Select ad format you want to use, then upload your visuals, and spend time creating a compelling ad copy. The aim of the advert is to grab the attention of your audience.

Remember to include the URL of your website or the site you want people to visit. You can gain more insights using UTM parameters, you can get information like where the people are visiting from.

Then hit “Confirm”. Facebook ads will be reviewed, and retargeting ads will start showing to your custom audience.

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