Guide for Pinterest Marketing

Guide for Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest is a social media app and much more, here people search for pins. So it has more shelf time than Facebook and Instagram. People can search for your pins when they want to buy any product or something.

Pinterest has a shop tab available where you can put your products, which is only available when you are a verified merchant. After getting that verified merchant tag, more analytics tools are available to you.

Here is a guide that will help you with Pinterest marketing and some tips on how to increase traffic.

1. Optimize for search

Pinterest is a visual search engine. So even if you post some amazing and beautiful posts there, they won’t be seen unless they’re optimized for search.

So, how to optimize for search? You can use relevant keywords on Pinterest that are specific to your pins, business and target the audience.

– Add keywords to your pin title: There are multiple places to add keywords, but the most important place is the title, add your keywords on the title.

– Add keywords and hashtags to your descriptions: Try to write 5-10 keywords in your description and 3-5 hashtags on your pin.

– Use Pinterest’s keyword research tool: Pinterest has an inbuilt keyword research tool, so if you are having a hard time finding hashtags and keywords. Use Pinterest’s keyword research tool.

– Add tags to your Pinterest video: Whenever you upload a video always use tags, they’ll make it easier to find your pin to the users.

pinterest marketing

2. Invite brands and influencers to collaborate on your board

A great way to increase exposure on Pinterest is by collaborating with influencers and brands.

To do this, open your board and then click on the pencil icon to “Edit your board”. There you can search for collaborators and add as many as you like. Even when your board is hidden, you can still search and add collaborators.

Doing this to your board creates a strong sense of community on Pinterest.

3. Pin regularly

Pinterest algorithms show new pins on top, so if you keep posting regularly the traffic will increase, Thanks to the Pinterest algorithm.

So, you should keep posting regularly, even when you feel that you have enough posts and your board looks aesthetically pleasing.

Regular pinning shows that you are regularly active on your Pinterest, which makes people think that you are worth a follow for your future content.

Although regular pinning is good. But Pinterest penalizes activity that looks spammy.

4. Create ads on Pinterest with promoted pins

Once you have switched to a Pinterest business account, you can start creating ads in the form of ‘Promote pins’.

Promoted pins appear on more search results, so it’s a perfect way to get your product in front of the right audience.

To get more exposure, try using eye-catchy designs, clearly visible branding, and interesting titles.

You can control your Promoted pins budget and spending limit through Pinterest ad manager.

5. Create relevant, highly shareable pins

To encourage more saves you need to create pins that resonate with your audience. However, your pins must share your brand’s theme. Otherwise, it’s no use sharing all the good pins where you get no brand recognition.

By creating a balance between relevant and share-worthy content, you will attract the right audience for more saves and your brand will keep on growing.

And if you created a highly shareable pin then your pin will be featured under the ‘Today’ tab. Which is great exposure for your brand.

Under the Today tab you will find out what’s happening in this world, it’s not a personalized tab, so a highly shareable pin has great chances of getting under that tab and get high exposure.

Guide for Pinterest Marketing

How to use analytics to tailor your Pinterest marketing strategy

Now let’s discuss how you can use analytics to improve your marketing strategy

1. Understand your Pinterest audience

The audience on Pinterest is totally different than on other social media platforms, they have more spending power as well. You can Pinterest Analytics “Audience Insights” to understand who you’re connecting with.

2. Revamp and repost top-performing pins

As we know, old pins even top-performing ones can be lost in user’s search results.

The new “Analytics Overview” lets you find out the performance of your pins by date range, content type, device, and source. By monitoring your top pins from date ranges, you can identify your potential pins to revamp and repost.

3. Add “Featured Board” to your Pinterest overview

It’s important to keep your Pinterest overview with captivating content. With a Pinterest business account, you can keep up to 5 “Feature Boards” that will display on rotation on the top of your profile.

Choose boards that are a good fit for your audience based on Pinterest analytics.

4. Archive poorly performing boards

Similarly, it’s a good idea to archive the boards which are no longer popular with the audience.

Try keeping your boards laser-focused and hyper-relevant.

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